Well, before people start asking "Why does a Brazilian write in English?” I'll write this blog in English because that is the primary reason I am writing it. I explain:
After taking a TTC (Teacher Training Course) in São Paulo last January, I realized that being an English teacher is as rewarding as being an Air Traffic Controller. Ok, of course I'm talking about satisfaction! Because financially speaking, it should be better for both.
The course at Seven was really good as well as the teacher trainers, not to mention the interesting books they suggested for reading, some of them I fortunately already had. But what came to my attention was the fact that the next step to become a better teacher was that I have to do the CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), but to be fully prepared for this challenge, I really need to study more English and then I decided to study again to get the CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English). Yes, I tried it before in 2005 but unfortunately I failed for I hadn't studied as I should.
The CPE exam consists of five papers, one of them is "writing", probably the most difficult one to practice since I'm not used to writing, not even in Portuguese! Then I decided to follow my teacher's advice and do what I've been doing for the whole week: trying to come up with something to start this blog!
Believe me, it is really, really hard!