After long three weeks, another CTP010 has finished, but this time it was Fabrícia who was out there teaching and I was the one who had to look after the children. I really tried to write about it three weeks ago just after my wife left home towards Rio de Janeiro to teach her first English class ever, but since then things got completely busy here.
Yes, my better half is not only an Air Traffic Controller like me, but she is also learning how to teach Aviation English. As you can see, we have a lot in common. And talking about stuff in common, we have a five-year-old girl and a one-year-old boy. Naturally, I can't help saying they're wonderful children, but what impressed me in these days was that despite being sad because they had their dedicated mother miles away, they behaved incredibly well.
At least this time I was luckier than Fabrícia because as Rio is near São Paulo, she was able to come home on the weekends, so that I could have some rest. Still, being a single father for three weeks was much harder than teach English for the same period.